Friday, June 19, 2020

Story-Vikramaditya Sinhasan Battisi thirteenth pupil kirtimati

                          Story of thirteenth pupil kirtimati

हिंदी में पढ़े ... 

Like every day, on this day, the thirteenth effigy Kirtimati started listening to his story Raja Bhoj.
Once King Vikramaditya organized a Mahabhoja.

Numerous scholars, Brahmins, merchants and courtiers were invited to that banquet. In the middle of the banquet, there was a discussion on who is the biggest donor in the world?

Everyone singled out Vikramaditya as the world's best dancer.

King Vikramaditya was watching the sentiments of the people, when he saw his eyes on a Brahmin who was not giving his opinion.

But it was clear from his facial expressions that he did not agree with the idea of ​​all people.

When Vikram asked him the meaning of his silence, he said fearing who would listen to him if he gave a different opinion.

When the king asked his idea, he said that he was in a state of confusion.

If he does not tell the truth, he feels the sin of lies and in the event of telling the truth, he fears that the king will have to be angry.

Now Vikram's curiosity increased. He praised her candidness and asked her to speak her voice fearlessly.

Then he said that Maharaj Vikramaditya is very big donor - this is true but not the biggest donor on this land. Everyone was shocked as soon as he heard this.

Everyone was surprised and asked it is possible? At that the Brahmin said that there is a kingdom across the sea

Where the king, Kirkittadhwaj, does not even accept food and water until he donates one lakh gold coins daily.

If this thing proves to be untrue, then that Brahmin was ready to get any punishment.

There was a flutter in the King's huge banquet hall. The Brahmin said that he stayed in the kingdom of Kirkittadhvaja for several days and went to take gold currency every day.

In fact, the kirkittadhvaj takes food only by donating one lakh gold currencies. This is the reason why he did not mix all the people present in the banquet.

King Vikramaditya was pleased with the candor of the Brahmin and gave him his reward and sent him away.

After the departure of the Brahmin, King Vikramaditya disguised himself as an ordinary man and remembered both the belts.

When the two Betals appeared, they asked them to take them across the sea to the kingdom of King Kirkittadhwaj.

The hospitals took them there in a blink of an eye.

On arriving at the gate of Kirikittadhwaj's palace, he introduced himself as an ordinary citizen of the city of Ujjayini and expressed his desire to meet Kirkittadhwaja.

After some time when he appeared before Kirkittadhvaj, he asked for a job with him.

When asked by Kirkittadhwaj what work they could do, he said, what no one can do, they will show that work.

King Kirkittadhwaj liked his answer and Vikramaditya got a job with him.

He was appointed as the gatekeeper. He saw that King Kirkittadhwaj literally does not receive food and water every day unless he donates one lakh gold coins.

He also saw that King Kirikittadhvaja walks out alone in the evening and when he returns, he has a bag filled with one lakh gold coins in his hand.

One day in the evening, he secretly chased Kirkittadhvaj.

He saw that King Kirkittadhvaja bathed in the sea and went to a temple and worshiped a statue and jumped into a cauldron of boiling oil.

When his body is roasted, some jognis come and take out his burnt body from bitter and eat it, and go away satisfied.

After the Joguns leave, the goddess of the idol appears and pours drops of nectar to bring alive the Kirkitadhvaja.

With his hands one hundred thousand gold coins are put into the kirkittadhwaj's bag and kirkittadhwaja is happy and returns to the palace.

In the morning, he donates the same golden currency to the petitioners. Under Vikram's understanding, the secret of donating one lakh gold currencies daily came.

The next day, after King Kirkittadhwaja had received the golden postures, Vikram also took a bath and worshiped the goddess and jumped into the cauldron of oil.

When the Jognis went away eating their burnt body and scratching the body, the goddess resurrected them.

When the goddess did not want to give him gold coins when alive, he refused, saying that the grace of Goddess is paramount for him.

He repeated this action seven times. For the seventh time Devi asked him to settle down and asked him to ask for anything.

Vikram was looking forward to this opportunity. He asked the goddess for the pouch from which the gold currencies came out. As soon as Devi handed over the bag to him, a miracle happened.

The temple, the statue, everything disappeared. Now only the beach was visible. The next day when Kirkittadhwaj came there, he was very disappointed.

His rule of donating one lakh gold currencies for years broke. He was left helpless in his room after renouncing food and water. His body began to fade.

When his condition began to worsen, Vikram went to him and wanted to know the reason for his sadness.

When he told everything to Vikram himself, Vikram gave him a bag containing the goddess and said that he was moved to see him jumping every day in bitter grief.

So he got that bag from Goddess forever.

By giving that bag to King Kirkittadhwaj, he also protected that promise by giving him a job in the court of Kirkittadhwaj.

They have done exactly what no one can do.

King Kirkittadhwaj, after getting acquainted with him, placed him on his chest and said that he is truly the best donor on this earth.

Because, after so much difficulty, he donated only the bag that provided the gold currency, as if it were something trivial.

Nest pupil...


Hindi story...

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