Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Story-Vikramaditya singhasan battisi

                         Story of third pupil Chandrakala

Vikramaditya  singhasan battisi
Vikramaditya  singhasan battisi

हिंदी में पढ़े ... 

On the third day, when King Bhoja happened to sit on the throne, a third effigy named Chandrakala stopped him and said, 'O Rajan! What is this that you do?
First act like Vikramaditya, then sit on the throne! '

The king asked, 'How did Vikramaditya work?'
The pupil said, 'Take, listen.' The story told by the third pupil Chandrakala is as follows -

Once, in effort and luck, it was decided that who is bigger? Purushartha would say that nothing is possible without hard work
Whereas destiny believed that whoever gets it meets destiny. Diligence has no role.

Their dispute took such a fierce form that both had to go to Devraj Indra.
The quarrel was very conflicting, so Indra too got confused. Purusharth is not considered by those who had received everything by luck.

On the other hand, if fortune was said to be big, then Purushartha would provide an example of those who had earned everything through hard work
.Indra was confused and did not come to any conclusion. After much thought he remembered Vikramaditya.

He felt that only he can solve this quarrel in the whole world.
He asked both Purushartha and Bhagya to go to Vikramaditya. In human disguise, effort and luck went to Vikramaditya and went to the court and told the king his point.
Vikramaditya also did not immediately find any solution to the quarrel. He asked both of them to come after six months.

Vikramaditya thought a lot when they went away. They started wandering among the general public for a solution.
After a lot of wandering, when he could not find any satisfactory solution, he decided to roam in other states as well.

Even after going astray, when no solution was found, he got a job with a businessman.
The businessman gave him a job on the basis of his saying that he will do the work that others cannot do.
A few days later, he loaded his goods on a merchant ship and started by sea to trade in other countries.

Among other servants Vikramaditya was also with him. The ship must have gone a little too far that a terrible storm arrived. A wave of fear and frustration raged among the people aboard the ship.
Somehow the ship came to an island and was anchored there. After the storm calmed down, they started removing the free food. But the anchor could not be lifted by anyone.

Now the businessman remembered that Vikramaditya had taken the job, saying that no one could do it.
He asked Vikram to lift the anchor. The anchor was easily lifted by them. As soon as the anchor was lifted, the ship accelerated but Vikramaditya was left on the island.

He did not understand what to do. Wandered around the island. A plaque hung on the city gate,
On which it was written that the princess of the place will be married to the mighty Vikramaditya. They reached the palace on the go.

The princess is happy to introduce him and the two get married. After some time they took some servants along and went towards their kingdom.
While on the way to the camp, he met a monk. The sannyas gave him a garland and a stick.

There were two characteristics of that garland - the wearer could see everything invisibly and if the garland was around his neck, his every task would be proved.

With a stick, his owner could ask for any jewelery before gold.
Vikramaditya returned to his kingdom by thanking the monk.
Stayed in a garden, sent back the servants who came with him and sent a message to his wife that soon they would call him his kingdom.

In the Vikramaditya garden itself, he met a Brahmin and a bhat. Both of them were taking care of that garden for a long time.
They hoped that their king would ever listen to their misery and overcome their misfortune. Vikramaditya felt pity on hearing his sorrow.

He gave the rosary with the sannyas and the stick to the Brahmin. Both were blessed to find such priceless things and went on to praise Vikram.

Vikram reached the court and got involved in his work. When the period of six months was over, then Purushartha and Bhagya came to them for their decision.

Vikramaditya ruled that fate and purushartha complement each other. He remembered the example of a stick and a garland.
The wand and the rosary he got from the ascetics by luck. He was received by Brahmins and Bhat by Purushartha. Purushartha and Bhagya left completely satisfied.

Telling the story to the pupil - Speak Raja, do you have the heart and strength to give such a fair judgment and to donate priceless things?

The king again fell into thinking and could not sit on the throne even on the third day. On the fourth day, the fourth effigy Kamakandala narrated the story of the deity of Vikramaditya.

Story of fourth pupil...

First pupil....

second pupil....

Nest Story...

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