Sunday, May 24, 2020

Story-Singhasan battisi

                         Story of second pupil chitralekha

Story-Singhasan battisi
 Story-Singhasan battisi

हिंदी में पढ़े ... 

The next day, as soon as King Bhoja wanted to sit on the throne, the second pupil said - You are as virtuous as King Vikramaditya, mighty and mighty, only he can sit on this throne.
The king who is full of all these qualities.
The king asked, 'What qualities did Vikramaditya have?' The pupil Chitralekha said, 'Listen.'

Once King Vikramaditya wished to practice yoga. Handing over his Rajpat to his younger brother Bhartrihari, he went into the jungle with a limb.

A Brahmin was doing penance in the same forest.
The gods were pleased and gave a fruit to that Brahmin and said, 'He who eats it will become immortal.
The Brahmin gave the fruit to his wife. The wife told him, 'Give it to the king and get some money in return.
The Brahmin went and gave the fruit to the king. The king loved his queen very much. He gave that fruit to his queen.
Rani was in love with Kotwal in the city. The queen gave him that fruit.

Inspector used to go to a prostitute. He gave the fruit to the prostitute.
The prostitute thought, 'I will continue to sin even if I become immortal. It would be better to give this fruit to the king, so that the king will do good to millions.
Thinking this, he went to the court and gave the fruit to the king.
The king was surprised to see the fruit. He was very sad when he came to know the whole secret.
He started finding the world useless. One day he left the Rajpath without speaking to anyone and left the house.

When King Indra came to know of this, he sent an envoy to guard the kingdom.
Here, when the yoga-practice of King Vikramaditya was completed, he returned. The messenger stopped them. Vikramaditya asked him when he told him everything.

Vikramaditya told his name, yet the messenger did not let him go. Said, 'If you are Vikramaditya then fight me first.'
There was a fight between them. Vikramaditya beat him.

The messenger said, 'Leave me. I will work for you someday. '
The pupil said, saying so much, 'Rajan!

Do you have enough courage to beat Indra's messenger and make him your slave?


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