Thursday, June 4, 2020

Story-Vikramaditya Singhasan Battisi Sixth effigy Ravibhama

                        Story of sixth pupil Ravibhama

Singhasan Battisi
 Singhasan Battisi

King Bhoja could not give up the temptation to sit on the throne under any circumstances. Then on the sixth day he was ready to sit with the majestic splendor. Then the sixth effigy Ravibhama stopped him and said, Listen, Rajan, this throne belongs to the supreme king Vikramaditya. Can you counter their charity, valor and valor? Only then can you sit on the throne.

Come, let me tell you the story of his greatness -

One day Vikramaditya was admiring the natural beauty from his palace built on the banks of river Kshipra. It was a rainy month. The river was erupting and flowing extremely fast. During this, his eyes were on a man, a woman and a child. Their clothes were wired and faces pale. The king understood that he was very poor.

Suddenly all three of them jumped into that river. The next moment shouted to protect the soul. Without losing a moment, Vikram leaped into the river to protect him. It was not possible to save all three alone, so they remembered both the belts. Both the daughters saved the woman and the child and Vikram saved the man from drowning.

On reaching the coast, they wanted to know why they were committing suicide. The man said that he is a very poor Brahmin of his kingdom who wants to die by getting fed up with his poverty. He cannot see his wife and child dying of hunger, and he sees no end to his problem except suicide.

The people of this state are so self-sufficient that they do all the work themselves, so they do not even provide any employment to them. King Vikram told the Brahmin that as long as he could stay with his family in his guest house, his every need would be met.

The Brahmin said that there is no harm in living, but he is afraid that after some time the hospitality will decrease and he will have to go insulted.

King Vikram assured him that there would be no such thing and that he would always be treated well, considering him as God. On giving Vikram this kind of trust, the Brahmin family started coming to the guest house.

Servants were appointed to look after him. He used to live happily, eat and drink at his own will and sleep on a comfortable bed. He was not lacking in anything. But they do not pay attention to cleanliness at all. Those who wore clothes did not change them for several days. Wherever you slept, you would spit and even pass urine. Dirt-dirt spread all around.

Due to deodorant, his place was not able to stay for even a moment. The servants endured everything patiently for a few days, but how long did it last? They did not even care for the king and ran away.

The king sent many other servants, but all of them turned out to be the same. This work proved impossible for everyone. Then Vikram himself pioneered his service. While getting up and sleeping, he would fulfill every wish of the Brahmin family. Foreheads are cracked due to deodorant, yet never behave abusively. Vikram used to press his feet as well.

The Brahmin family made every effort to get Vikram fed up with their hospitality, forget the hospitality and treat them with indecency, but their attempt was unsuccessful. Vikram was patient in his service with great patience.  gave them any chance to complain.

One day the Brahmin decided to take his exam. He told the king to clean the sanctuary on his body and wash him well and wear clean clothes.

Vikram immediately obeyed him and proceeded to clean the temple with his hands. All of sudden, a miracle happened. All the dirty clothes of the Brahmin disappeared. The clothes worn by the gods came on his body. His face was brightly lit. Smell started coming out of the whole body.

Vikram was surprised. Then the Brahmin said that he is indeed Varuna. This form was taken by Varun Dev to take his exam. He came here on his family after hearing Vikram's hospitality.

He got what he had heard, so he gave a boon to Vikram that there would never be any drought in his kingdom and three crops would come out of the land there. By giving a boon to Vikram, he became a family spirit.

Having said this much, Ravibhama said, tell Rajan, do you have so much patience that you can welcome someone like this? Raja Bhoja was confused and returned to his room without saying anything. The next day, the seventh effigy Kaumudi stopped the way of Raja Bhoja.

King Bhoja could not give up the temptation to sit on the throne under any circumstances. Then on the sixth day he was ready to sit with the majestic splendor. Then the sixth effigy Ravibhama stopped him and said, Listen, Rajan, this throne belongs to the supreme king Vikramaditya. Can you counter their charity, valor and valor? Only then can you sit on the throne.

Come, let me tell you the story of his greatness -

One day Vikramaditya was admiring the natural beauty from his palace built on the banks of river Kshipra. It was a rainy month. The river was erupting and flowing extremely fast. During this, his eyes were on a man, a woman and a child. Their clothes were wired and faces pale. The king understood that he was very poor.

Suddenly all three of them jumped into that river. The next moment shouted to protect the soul. Without losing a moment, Vikram leaped into the river to protect him. It was not possible to save all three alone, so they remembered both the belts. Both the daughters saved the woman and the child and Vikram saved the man from drowning.

On reaching the coast, they wanted to know why they were committing suicide. The man said that he is a very poor Brahmin of his kingdom who wants to die by getting fed up with his poverty. He cannot see his wife and child dying of hunger, and he sees no end to his problem except suicide.

The people of this state are so self-sufficient that they do all the work themselves, so they do not even provide any employment to them. King Vikram told the Brahmin that as long as he could stay with his family in his guest house, his every need would be met.

The Brahmin said that there is no harm in living, but he is afraid that after some time the hospitality will decrease and he will have to go insulted.

King Vikram assured him that there would be no such thing and that he would always be treated well, considering him as God. On giving Vikram this kind of trust, the Brahmin family started coming to the guest house.

Servants were appointed to look after him. He used to live happily, eat and drink at his own will and sleep on a comfortable bed. He was not lacking in anything. But they do not pay attention to cleanliness at all. Those who wore clothes did not change them for several days. Wherever you slept, you would spit and even pass urine. Dirt-dirt spread all around.

Due to deodorant, his place was not able to stay for even a moment. The servants endured everything patiently for a few days, but how long did it last? They did not even care for the king and ran away.

The king sent many other servants, but all of them turned out to be the same. This work proved impossible for everyone. Then Vikram himself pioneered his service. While getting up and sleeping, he would fulfill every wish of the Brahmin family. Foreheads are cracked due to deodorant, yet never behave abusively. Vikram used to press his feet as well.

The Brahmin family made every effort to get Vikram fed up with their hospitality, forget the hospitality and treat them with indecency, but their attempt was unsuccessful. Vikram was patient in his service with great patience.  gave them any chance to complain.

One day the Brahmin decided to take his exam. He told the king to clean the sanctuary on his body and wash him well and wear clean clothes.

Vikram immediately obeyed him and proceeded to clean the temple with his hands. All of sudden, a miracle happened. All the dirty clothes of the Brahmin disappeared. The clothes worn by the gods came on his body. His face was brightly lit. Smell started coming out of the whole body.

Vikram was surprised. Then the Brahmin said that he is indeed Varuna. This form was taken by Varun Dev to take his exam. He came here on his family after hearing Vikram's hospitality.

He got what he had heard, so he gave a boon to Vikram that there would never be any drought in his kingdom and three crops would come out of the land there. By giving a boon to Vikram, he became a family spirit.

Having said this much, Ravibhama said, tell Rajan, do you have so much patience that you can welcome someone like this? Raja Bhoja was confused and returned to his room without saying anything. The next day, the seventh effigy Kaumudi stopped the way of Raja Bhoja.

Nest story...


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