Thursday, August 27, 2020

Story-Vikramaditya Sinhasan Battisi Seventeenth pupil named vidyavati

                    Seventeenth pupil named vidyavati    

हिंदी में पढ़े .... 

The next day as soon as Raja Bhoj tried to sit in the throne, a seventeenth effigy named Vidyavati stopped him and said,

Stop Rajan, can you fill the shortage of subjects like King Vikramaditya. I hear you story

The story is as follows- Maharaja Vikramaditya had no shortage of subjects. Everyone was satisfied and happy. Whenever a court came with a problem, its problem was solved immediately.

The officer who caused any kind of trouble to the subjects was punished. Therefore, no complaints were heard from anywhere.

The king himself changed from time to time to learn about the state of the kingdom. One such night, as he was traveling around his kingdom in disguise, he heard an excerpt from a hut. Some woman was asking her husband to tell something clearly to the king and her husband was telling her that he could not put his great king's life in jeopardy for his selfishness.

Vikram understood that he had something to do with his problem. He could not keep quiet. He considered it his duty to solve every problem of his subjects. When they knocked on the door, a Brahmin couple opened the door. When Vikram introduced himself and asked him about his problem, he trembled. When he fearlessly asked them to explain everything clearly, the Brahmin told him the whole thing. The Brahmin couple were childless even after twelve years of marriage.

In these twelve years, he worked hard for the children. Fasting, fasting, religious work, worshiping all kinds of efforts are of no use. Wife of Brahmin saw a dream. In a dream, a goddess came and told him that at a distance of thirty kos in the east, there is a dense forest where some saints are praising Shiva. To please Shiva, he is cutting his limbs in the havan kund. If, like him, King Vikramaditya cut off his limbs in that Havan Kund, Shiva would be pleased and ask him to ask for what he wanted. They can ask Shiva to have children for a Brahmin couple and they will have children.

On hearing this Vikram assured him that he would definitely do this work. On the way, he recalled the hospitals and asked them to reach that place. At that place, the saints were actually performing havan and cutting their limbs and throwing them in the fire pit. Vikram also sat down on one side and started cutting off his limbs and offering fire. When all of them including Vikram were burnt to ashes, a Shivgana reached there and he put all the ascetics alive by putting nectar, but mistakenly left Vikram.

When all the ascetic lives were alive, they saw Vikram ashes. All the ascetics praised Shiva together and prayed to him to bring Vikram alive. Lord Shiva listened to the prayers of the ascetics and put Amrit alive and made Vikram alive. As soon as Vikram was alive, he bowed down in front of Shiva and prayed to the child to give happiness to the Brahmin couple. Shiva was quite pleased with his benevolence and feeling of renunciation and accepted his prayer. A few days later the Brahmin couple actually got a son.

The next pupil Taramati told the story...

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Story-Vikramaditya Sinhasan Battisi twenty-fourth pupil Karunavati

                Twenty-fourth pupil Karunavati Story-Vikramaditya Sinhasan Battisi Hindi Read... . The next day as soon as  Raja Bhoj  tried...