Thursday, September 3, 2020

Story-Vikramaditya Sinhasan Battisi nineteenth pupil Rooprekha

                   Story of nineteenth pupil Rooprekha

हिंदी में पढ़े ...

Like every day, on this day, the nineteenth effigy named Rooprekha narrated the story of King Vikramaditya to Raja Bhoja, which is as follows-

People used to come to the court of King Vikramaditya for justice with their problems and sometimes they were also present with questions which they did not think of any solution. Vikram used to find such an exact solution to those questions that the questioner used to be completely satisfied.

One day two ascetics came to the court with one crooked question and they requested Vikram to answer their question.

One of them believed that the mind of man controls all his activities and man can never do anything against his mind. The other did not agree with his opinion.

He said that man's knowledge controls all his activities. The mind is also the slave of knowledge and that too is bound to follow the instructions given by knowledge.

King Vikramaditya listened carefully to the subject of their dispute, but was not able to give his decision on that subject immediately. He asked both those ascetics to come after some time.

When he left, Vikram started thinking about his question, which was really very crooked. He thought for a moment that man's mind is really very fickle and after being subjugated, man becomes subject to worldly lust.

But the second moment he remembered knowledge. They felt that knowledge really tells a man to think before he says the mind and motivates him to make a decision.

Vikram used to find answers to such complicated questions in the life of ordinary people, so he changed into an ordinary citizen and left his kingdom. He did not see any such thing for several days which would help in solving the question.

One day he caught sight of a young man whose clothes and expressions reflected his disharmony. He was tired and resting under a tree. Beside a bullock cart he used to coach.

When the king looked near him, he recognized him only at a glance. He was the younger son of his integral friend Seth Gopaldas. Seth Gopaldas was a very big businessman and made a lot of money from trade. Seeing this plight of his son, his curiosity grew. He became anxious to know the reason for his distress.

He asked her how did this condition happen? While dying, Gopaldas distributed all his wealth and business equally to his two sons. The wealth of one part was so much that life could be lived comfortably for two books. Vikram then expressed his curiosity to know about his brother as well.

The young man understood that the inquirer really had all the information about his family.

He told Vikram everything about himself and his brother. He told that when his father divided everything between him and his brother, his brother used his share of money very wisely.

He limited his needs and put all his money in the business, and by working day and night, he increased his business manifold. He did not take any inspiration from his intelligent and sober brother and was overwhelmed with pride at the immense wealth he had received on his part.

Took all the bad habits including alcoholism, prostitution, gambling. All these habits began to hollow out his wealth of wealth.

The elder brother told him to go to Chet in time, but his words seemed to him like poison.

These bad habits led him to devastation very fast and within a year he became a pauper. He was the son of a wealthy and respected Seth of his city, so everyone began to ridicule his plight.

There is no place to die of hunger, there is no place to hide from shame. His life became difficult. When he found it impossible to live as a laborer in his city, he came away from there. Now he fills his stomach by working hard and thinks of doing something for his future also.

When he had a lot of wealth, he could not control the fickleness of the mind. When the money wasted, he got goodwill and after stumbling he realized his mistake. When the king asked if he would again speak of the mind when the money came, he said that the stumbles of the times had given him true knowledge and now on the strength of that knowledge he can control his mind.

Vikram then gave him his real introduction and advised him to trade smartly by giving him many gold currencies. They assured him that ascendancy would bring him back to earlier prosperity. After taking leave of him, he returned to his palace as he now had a solution to the dispute of those ascetics.

After some time both of them appeared in his court wishing for ascetic solution. Vikram told him that man's body tries to control his mind again and again, but on the basis of knowledge, a rational man does not allow the mind to dominate himself.

There is an interconnected relationship between mind and knowledge and both have their own importance. The apocalypse of someone who completely falls under his mind is inevitable. If the mind is a chariot, then the charioteer of knowledge. The chariot charioteer is incomplete.

When he told him in detail what had happened with Seth Putra, there was no doubt in his mind. Those ascetics gave him a miraculous chalice from which the pictures made could come alive at night and their conversation could also be heard.

When Vikram tried to find out the truth of the chalk by making some pictures, it was really that quality in the chalice. Now the king started making up his mind by making pictures. She was not well taken care of by her queens. When the queens came to him after several days, he saw the king drawing with a chalice.

When the queens came and shared their attention, the king got laughed and said, they too had become subject to the mind. Now he is aware of his duty.

Having said this, the nineteenth pupil flew into the sky.

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