Monday, September 7, 2020

Story- Betaal Pachisi First story

                      All Story Betaal Pachisi

हिंदी पढ़े.... 

It's a very old matter. A king named Gandharvasen ruled in Dhara Nagri. He had four queens. He had six boys who were all very clever and powerful. Incidentally, one day the king died and in his place his elder son Shankh sat on the throne. He ruled for a few days, but younger brother Vikram killed him and became king himself. His kingdom grew by the day and he became the king of all Jambudweep.

One day it came to his mind that he should roam around and see the countries he has heard. So he handed over the throne to his younger brother Bhartrihari and became a yogi and left the kingdom.

A Brahmin was meditating in that city. One day the deity was pleased and gave him a fruit and said that whoever eats it will become immortal. Brahman brought that fruit to his wife and also told about the deity. The Brahmin said, "What shall we do immortally? We will keep on begging. It is better to die. You take this fruit and give it to the king and get some money in return. "

Hearing this, the Brahmin took the fruit and went to King Bhartrihari and told the whole situation. Bhartrihari took the fruit and gave away one lakh rupees to the Brahmin. Bhartrihari loved one of his queens very much.

He went to the palace and gave the fruit to him. Rani's friendship was with Shahar-Kotwal. He gave that fruit to the policeman. Inspector used to go to a prostitute. He gave that fruit to that prostitute. The prostitute thought that the king should eat this fruit. She took him to King Bhartrihari and gave it to him.

Bhartrihari gave him a lot of money; But when he saw the fruit well, he recognized it. He was hurt a lot, but he did not say anything to anyone. He went to the palace and asked the queen what did you do with that fruit. The queen said, "I ate it." The king took out that fruit and showed it. The queen was terrified and told the whole truth. 

When Bhartrihari found out, he came to know the whole thing. He became very sad. He thought, this world is a hallucination. No belongs to us in it. He came out with the fruit and washed it and ate it himself. Then, leaving the Rajput, disguised as a yogi, went to do penance in the forest.

Vikram's throne was lost after Bhatruhari went into the forest. When King Indra got this news, he sent a god to guard the stream city. He stayed there day and night.

When Vikram came to know about Bhartrihari leaving the Rajpat and going to the forest, he returned to his country. It was midnight. When he entered the city, Dev stopped him. The king said, "I am Vikram." This is my secret. Who would you have been?

Dev said, “I have been sent by King Indra to guard this city. If you are true king Vikram then come, fight me first.

There was a fight between them. The king overtook Dev in a bit. Then Dev said, "O Rajan! You defeated me. I give you life.

After this, Dev said, “You were born three men in Rajan, a city and a constellation. You were born in the king's house, the second by Teli and the third by the potter. You rule here, Teli used to rule the Hades. The potter, after doing yoga, killed Teli and hung it from the cirrus tree in the crematorium. He is now trying to kill you. Beware of him. 

After saying this, Dev went and the king entered the palace. The return of the king made everyone very glad. The city celebrated joyful moments. The king started to rule again.

It is a matter of a day that a yogi named Shantisheel came to the king in the court and left him with a fruit. The king feared that the man whom Dev had told, is it the same! Thinking that he did not eat the fruit, he gave it to the steward. Yogi used to come and give a fruit to the king.

Incidentally, one day the king went to see his stables. The yogi reached there and gave the fruit to the king. When the king uprooted him, he got out of his hands and fell on the earth. At the same time, a monkey immediately picked him up and broke him. A red came out of it, whose eyes brightened everyone. The king was astonished. He asked Yogi, "Why do you give me this red day?"

The yogi replied, "Maharaj! The king, the guru, the astrologer, the vaidya and the daughter, should never go home empty handed. "

The king called Bhandari and asked for all the fruits behind. Every one of them turned red when it broke. The king was very happy to see so much red. He called the jeweller and asked their value. The jeweler said, "Maharaj, these reds are so precious that even their worth cannot be valued in crores of rupees. One red is equal to one state each. "

Hearing this, the king took hold of Yogi and took him to the throne. Said, "Yogiraj, the bad things you have heard, are not said in front of others."

The king took him in private. Going there, the yogi said, "Maharaj, the thing is that I am proving a mantra in Masaan on the banks of river Godavari. My desire will be fulfilled once it is proved. If you stay with me one night, the mantra will be proved. One day you come to me alone with your arms tied. "

The king said "Good thing."

After this, the yogi told the day and time and went to his monastery.

When that day came, the king reached there all alone. Yogi was sitting beside him. Sitting for a while, the king asked, "Maharaj, what is the command for me?"

"Rajan," said the yogi, "a corse hangs on a cirrus tree in Masan, a distance of two kos in the south direction from here. Bring him to me, till then I worship here. "

Hearing this, the king moved away. It was a very horrible night. There was darkness all around. It was raining. Ghosts were making noise. Snakes used to come and lie on their feet. But the king kept on moving forward courageously. 

When he arrives in Masan, what is seen is that lions are roaring, elephants are chirping, ghosts are killing men. The king walked fearlessly and reached the cirrus tree. The tree was burning with fire from root to fungi. The king thought, ho-no-ho, this is the same yogi whom Dev had told. A corpse tied with the rope was hanging on the tree. The king climbed the tree and cut the rope with a sword. The corpse lay down and the roar started crying.

The king came down and asked, "Who are you?"

The king had so much to say that the dead laughed. The king was astonished. Then the dead hung on the tree. The king climbed again and went up and cut the rope, pressing the dead side, came down. Said, "Tell, who are you?"

The corpse remained silent.

Then the king tied him in a sheet and took him to the yogi. On the way, the dead person said, "I am desensitized." Who are you and where are you taking me? "

The king said, "My name is Vikram. I'm the king of Dhara Nagri. I am taking you to a yogi. "

Betal said, "I will go on one condition. If you speak on the way, I will come back and hang on the tree. "

The king believed whatsoever was said by him. Then Betal said, “The wise, clever and knowledgeable, their days pass in good things, while the days of fools in discord and sleep. It would be good that our path be passed in the discussion of good things. I am telling you a story. Take, listen.

The first story told by Betal…

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